Darragh Treacy Artist

Original Oil Paintings


Darragh Treacy, originally from Avoca, Co. Wicklow, is a multi
award winning Artist and Designer. Painting in his preferred
medium of oils he has exhibited at the Wexford Opera
Festival since 2011. Darragh’s work has been selected for
numerous group shows both in Ireland and the UK. Notable
exhibitions include the annual Dublin Painting & Sketching
Club exhibition, The South West Academy of Fine & Applied
Arts in the UK and the Artist & Leisure Painter international
open exhibition also in the UK. Darragh paints both “en plein
air” and in his studio and his work involves a variety of subject
matter including still life, landscapes and street scenes. While
working all year round on private commissions, his work can
also be found in private collections at home and abroad.
Darragh has been the president of the Dublin Painting &
Sketching Club since 2019, now entering its 150th year.

Exhibitions & Galleries

Wexford Opera Festival 2011 – 2023

WB Yeats a Visual Tribute, City Assembly House Dublin 2015

Dublin Painting and Sketching Club 137th Annual Exhibition, Dun Laoghaire 2015

Art Source RDS Dublin 2015 -2018

Leinster Gallery, Dublin

Waldock Gallery, Dublin

Cong Art Gallery, Co. Mayo

Dublin Painting and Sketching Club 138th Annual Exhibition, Dun Laoghaire 2016

Dublin Painting and Sketching Club, Dun Laoghaire 2017

The artist and leisure painter international open submission competition 2016*/17/18/19/20*.  Patchings Nottinghamshire. *Award Winner

Patchings , Nottinghamshire 2017/2018/2019/2020

Art in the Open Wexford 2017/2018/2019

Art Source RDS 2015/16/17/18

Gallery Intermarium

South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts open submission, Exeter Castle 2018/2019/2020

Gaslamp Gallery https://www.thegaslampgallery.com/

Green Door Gallery Brussels – open submission

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